Dawn O'Porter is a broadcaster, novelist and print journalist who lives in Los Angeles with her husband Chris, cat Lilu and dog Potato. Dawn is the critically acclaimed author of Paper Aeroplanes and Goose. She is also a highly prolific Tweeter (@hotpatooties) and manages her own website www.dawnoporter.co.uk. Dawn is obsessed with vintage clothing and recently set up her own clothing label, BOB (she also has a bob…)
Dawn O’Porter
Dawn O’Porter is a broadcaster, novelist and print journalist who lives in Los Angeles with her husband Chris, cat Lilu and dog Potato. She has made numerous documentaries about all sorts of things: polygamy, childbirth, Geisha, body image, breast cancer and even the movie DIRTY DANCING. Dawn is the critically acclaimed author of Paper Aeroplanes and Goose. She is also a highly prolific Tweeter (@hotpatooties) and manages her own website www.dawnoporter.co.uk. Dawn is obsessed with vintage clothing and recently set up her own clothing label, BOB (she also has a bob…)