Casper Candlewacks - Casper Candlewacks in Attack of the Brainiacs! (Casper Candlewacks, Book 3)

By Ivan Brett

Grab your glow in the dark trousers, Casper’s back in this third ridiculously hilarious, hilarously ridiculous madcap adventure.

Most villages have an idiot but Casper’s village is full of them. So being bright makes poor Casper something of an outsider.

A side-splittingly funny for girls and boys, featuring a massive food fight, an evil French chef and a machine that fires omelettes…

Author: Ivan Brett
Format: ebook
Ageband: from 9
Release Date: 03 May 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-741160-3
Ivan was born in Edinburgh in 1989, in a bike shop, or so he thought for a good chunk of his childhood. As a Philosophy undergraduate at Bristol University he spent his spare time scribbling on the backs of bus tickets, crisp packets, or whatever else he could get his hands on. Thankfully these scribbles ended up becoming a book. He now lives in London and is a full time writer.