Completely Crazy Poems
A collection of wonderfully hilarious, completely crazy poems put together by a master compiler, well known for his collections with OUP. John Foster is a poet in his own right and is highly-regarded in both the trade and in schools for his brilliant collections.
COMPLETELY CRAZY POEMS continues a sparkling new collection of nonsense poems which mark the return of Collins Children’s Books to poetry publishing. John Foster is a well-known poet, anthologist and teacher who is highly-regarded both in the trade and in schools.
Completely Crazy PoemsNo one can fail to dip into this book and come away without a cheeky smirk on their face. One to chase away the winter blues.Funday Times -
Ridiculous RhymesFantastic stuff to introduce youngsters to poetry before they go all silly and wander like clouds.Dorset Echo -
Teasing Tongue-TwistersKeep this book well away from any grandparents with false teeth - attempting these tongue-twisters could send their pearlie-whites flying. Mouth-numbingly difficult and rib-ticklingly funny, Teasing Tongue-twisters is a brilliant little collection.Funday Times -
Fresh and hilariously challenging. Irish Times -