I’m Alice (Beauty Queen?)

By Susan Juby

From the author of the hilarious I’m Alice (I think), comes the irresistibly funny sequel, with further adventures of Alice’s adolescent angst.

Sixteen-year old Alice suspects that this is the year she’s going to bloom, graduating from the ranks of the marginal into the realm of the practically normal. That’s immediately confirmed when, lured by the $400 clothing allowance, she becomes the official Rod & Gun Club candidate in the town’s Miss Smithers, BC, Beauty Pageant.

Now that she’s practically normal, Alice is anxious to try new things. But she can’t decide whether to push her sort-of boyfriend, Goose, into having sex with her, or to take a vow of chastity with the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) movement.

Alice, fresh from her hit debut in I’m Alice, I Think – and complete with satirical wit and unique thrift-shop style – is back in this uniquely funny take on surviving the tough teen years.

Author: Susan Juby
Format: Paperback
Ageband: from 12
Release Date: 09 Sep 2011
Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-0-00-716360-1
Susan Juby dropped out of fashion design college at a young age, and after obtaining a BA at the University of British Columbia, went to work in publishing. She now has a master’s degree in publishing and has just completed the third novel in the Alice series, which has become a hit in Canada, the US and Australia. Susan has survived life in several small towns in BC, and now lives on Vancouver Island with her husband, James and their dog, who prefers to remain anonymous.

Praise for I’m Alice, I Think: -

The perfect air of intelligence combined with teen angst.Publisher’s Weekly -

Imagine a younger, non-smoking, non-drinking, non-dieting Bridget Jones in a remote British Columbia locale. Imagine Adrian Mole… Imagine Holden Caulfield… Imagine Alice. You’re going to love her.The Vancouver Sun -

Praise for I’m Alice (Beauty Queen?): -

Utterly, absolutely sidesplittingKirkus Review -

Head and shoulders above the often-formulaic realm of teen fiction, Alice is a wonderfully original and genuinely funny character.New York Post -