At least, that’s what April’s father tells her when his scientific research takes them to this remote Arctic outpost for six months. But one endless summer night, April meets one. He is starving, lonely and a long way from home. Determined to save him, April begins the most important journey of her life…
Take a trip to Bear Island…
The Last Bear by Hannah Gold (paperback)
The Last Bear by Hannah Gold (ebook)
The Last Bear by Hannah Gold (audiobook)
Hannah Gold introduces The Last Bear and reads an extract!
Meet April and Bear in these exclusive extracts from The Last Bear…
April is about to embark on an adventure…
A momentous meeting…
Download a FREE set of The Last Bear activity sheets!
Click the images below to download a set of FREE KS2-aligned teaching resources and activity sheets:
Learn more about polar bears!
When a polar bear’s fur gets dirty, they roll around in the snow to clean it! It’s important to keep their fur clean and dry, because wet or dirty fur won’t insulate heat as well.
Polar bear fur is actually translucent, and only appears white because it reflects all visible light. A polar bear’s skin is actually jet black!
Polar bears can smell their prey up to a kilometer away!
Polar bears are the BIGGEST carnivore that lives on land!