
By Diana Wynne Jones

A powerful being fights for his life within the body of a humble, earthbound puppy.

Sirius, immortal Lord of the Dog Star and infamous for his quick temper, cannot believe it when he is falsely accused of murder and banished to Earth. There he is reborn into the body of a puppy and learns that he has the life-span of that creature to recover the missing murder weapon. If he fails, he will die.

He is adopted by Kathleen, who has no idea that her beloved Leo’ is anything more than an abandonded stray. She is a loving owner, but an unwanted guest in a family who mostly resent her presence.

Sirius soon learns that he has enemies amongst the humans as well as amongst the unearthly beings who sentenced him. How on earth can he clear his name without his special powers?

Format: ebook
Ageband: from 9
Release Date: 06 Dec 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-743972-0
Diana Wynne Jones (1934–2011) spent her childhood in Essex and began writing fantasy novels for children in the 1970s. With her unique combination of magic, humour and imagination, she enthralled generations of children and adults with her work. She won the Guardian Award in 1977 with Charmed Life, was runner-up for the Children\'s Book Award in 1981 and was twice runner-up for the Carnegie Medal.

Praise for Diana Wynne Jones -

”’[Wynne Jones] has a unique record of producing books you can't forget… Every book is different. And every book is likely to be in someone's top seven… I feel we need to acknowledge how lucky those of us are who grew up on her books, and to ensure subsequent generations enjoy the same intense and subtle pleasure.” - The Guardian

”'…Her hallmarks include laugh-aloud humour, plenty of magic and imaginative array of alternate worlds. Yet, at the same time, a great seriousness is present in all of her novels, a sense of urgency that links Jones’s most outrageous plots to her readers” - hopes and fears…' Publishers Weekly

”'Truly magical - guaranteed to leave you gasping - even hotter than Potter” - The Bookseller

”'Diana Wynne Jones could teach Stephen King and JK Rowling a thing or two …” - SFX